Links - Our Reputable Sources



National Institute for Mental Health offers information about specific diagnosis, treatment, research and clinical trials for mental illness.


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - A great site to research specific complementary/alternative approaches to illness.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is jam-packed with information and links to assist persons with building resilience, and facilitating recovery for people with, or at risk for problems with mental health or addictions, or for persons with a "dual diagnosis".

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - This organization is dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide. They reach out to people with mood disorders and persons affected by suicide and suicide attempts. They have local chapters, and offer support groups and fund education and research.


National Alliance for the Mentally Ill - NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization, made up of consumers, family members and mental health providers. Their mission is support, education, advocacy and research for people living with mental illness.


The original Bach® Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances: negative emotions are replaced with positive.

Flower Essence Society

The Flower Essence Society is an international membership organization of health practitioners, researchers, students, and others interested in deepening knowledge of flower essence therapy.

The Ashes And Snow Project

The Ashes and Snow Project - A stunning site with beautiful photographic artworks of Gregory Colbert, exploring the relationship between animals and human beings as they interact.

The Chopra Center

Deepak Chopra, M.D. - Provides information about a variety of ayurvedic resources in the modern world, including mediation and healthy lifestyle choices and practices.

HealthyJourneys - A wonderful site to learn about resources you can use (CDs, books, and information about imagery, recovery and wellness) that can enhance and maintain recovery and healing.

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